
Showing posts from June, 2024

Let's Get Pensive: A Look at My Most Scribbled Scribbles.

 Hey guys. Now we’re going to veer off a bit off the regular romance and comedy and interviews to do a one-off special.   It's not the usual path,  but hey,  who says creativity needs to be confined.  Today,  we're diving headfirst into... my poetry!  Buckle up,  because this isn’t the usual blog fare. I love penning down feelings other than blurting them out, and the feelings can be anything; growing old, being cold, even the good old mold on bread. You saw what I did there? 🐸.  Without much dillydallying, let’s proceed.  MEADOWS by Olajuwon olaleye  One day, our smiles will leave our faces One day, we will stare with empty gazes With the absence of familiar faces, Leaving us to fix our longing gazes Right where the cattle grazes.  Life with a smile by Olaleye Olajuwon  From the high grounds to the lowlands I have never had a mediocre encounter Approach life with a smile,don’t engage in the banter  Your demons are what you allow to be stronger  Than the multiple lives you hav