
Too imperfect to be true? mail from a reader

 Hi guys, and welcome to naijacollegedork romance. few days prior to this, I received a random email, my eyes widened as I perused it and they kept getting wider. today for the first time I will be tendering a reader's downhill love travails  on our platform.  Enjoy. Dear naijacollegedork, I never imagined I would be writing to you, but I feel so lost and confused that I don't know where else to turn. I'm in university and in a relationship that feels like a never-ending nightmare. My boyfriend, G, is older and, on the surface, seems perfect—mature, responsible,stable and focused on his studies. . But beneath this exterior lies a deep flaw that is destroying our relationship. G doesn’t joke or take things lightly, ever. When we first started dating, his maturity was one of the things that attracted me to him. I thought I had found someone who would take our relationship seriously and provide stability. But now, his seriousness is suffocating. He never laughs or finds joy in

Let's Get Pensive: A Look at My Most Scribbled Scribbles.

 Hey guys. Now we’re going to veer off a bit off the regular romance and comedy and interviews to do a one-off special.   It's not the usual path,  but hey,  who says creativity needs to be confined.  Today,  we're diving headfirst into... my poetry!  Buckle up,  because this isn’t the usual blog fare. I love penning down feelings other than blurting them out, and the feelings can be anything; growing old, being cold, even the good old mold on bread. You saw what I did there? 🐸.  Without much dillydallying, let’s proceed.  MEADOWS by Olajuwon olaleye  One day, our smiles will leave our faces One day, we will stare with empty gazes With the absence of familiar faces, Leaving us to fix our longing gazes Right where the cattle grazes.  Life with a smile by Olaleye Olajuwon  From the high grounds to the lowlands I have never had a mediocre encounter Approach life with a smile,don’t engage in the banter  Your demons are what you allow to be stronger  Than the multiple lives you hav

my love life is like "pidgin & english"

Welcome back to NaijaCollegeDork Romance. Last time, we left off with me caught in the emotional whirlwind with Oo. But things took a turn when I met K. It all started with a glance across the room. K"s smile was like sunshine, and I couldn't resist the urge to talk to her. But my approach wasn't smooth; I stumbled over my words and probably came off as more of a flirt than I intended. Despite my initial charm, I struggled to maintain a genuine connection with K. She noticed my inconsistency and lack of depth, calling me out on my behavior. For instance, there was a time when she was going through a tough time with her family, and instead of being there for her, I brushed it off with a joke and changed the subject. Our relationship felt like one of Bnxn"s tunes: upbeat and catchy on the surface, but with deeper layers of emotion and struggle underneath. There were moments of joy and laughter, but also moments of doubt and confusion. Our relationship was a rollercoaste

Has it actually been a year?!

Time has this uncanny ability to slip through our fingers like sand, doesn't it? It's been eons since my last blog post, and oh, how the world has spun in that time. Theories were tested, boundaries were broken, and I've found myself on a rollercoaster ride through the complexities of teenage and young adult life. Let's start with the university grind. Balancing academics, social life, and personal well-being is a lot. Choosing what to eat can feel like a monumental decision in itself, not to trivialize anyone's experience. But hey, that's the whole model of our blog, right? So, let's dive in. Finding that elusive balance in university life is key to making the most out of it. Maximizing the measly 24 hours we're given (seriously, can we get an upgrade on that?) is a daily struggle, and I've learned this the hard way. The best advice I can offer is to just do it and make every moment count. Now, onto the lighter stuff. Late last year, I decided to gi

10 random and hilarious experiences in university life.

  No matter where we are, good or sad memories must be made. This blog post will walk us through 10 of the funniest university experiences. University life may have its ups and downs. It's been a while, welcome back to naijacollegedork. Since humor is often what keeps people going, we aim to incorporate it into each and every one of our blog entries. If you're reading this, we hope that every image or piece of writing that leaves this blog will make you grin.Retighten your seatbelts as we embark on a funny journey through the funniest experiences we had while working in our ivory towers. 1. the typical eating procedure: J: My feeding schedule, which went something like this, was the predominant memory I have of my time in college.  BEGINNING OF SEMESTER: On a regular basis, jollof rice, chicken, and hollandia MID-SEMESTER FOODS: custard, cornflakes, and cookies SEMESTERS END: Garri triumphs.   2. handicapped anger  R:  My freshman year is in its first semester, and the weather

meeting OO (naijacollegedork romance)

  It was through a mutual friend that I met her, a captivating girl named Oo. From the moment we connected, there was an undeniable spark that ignited between us. We laughed together, shared stories, and our conversations flowed effortlessly. Oo had a magnetic personality that drew me in. Her smile could light up a room, and her wit was razor-sharp. I was mesmerized by her charm and found myself falling deeper with each passing day. But as our connection grew, I couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in our dynamic. Oo came from a high-class background, and I began to feel like more of a "gist partner" than a potential partner. She seemed content with our light-hearted banter and casual companionship, while I longed for something more substantial. Caught in the crossroads of emotions, I found myself torn between pursuing a serious relationship with Oo or exploring the talking stage I had put on hold. The uncertainty gnawed at me, leaving me feeling vulnerable and questio

20 hilarious relatable university life memes. {first meme drop!!}

Welcome, one and all. This is the long-promised and eagerly anticipated meme drop. This will be the first of many, and it can be seen as a valuable addition to our very few titbits and side quests 1. when attendance isn"t compulsory for a course. 2. university is most times a maze of academic confusion, don" t ask me about school send me money!   3. medical students in university can totally relate to this. 4. thank you unknown undergraduate student, your works are aptly remembered. 5.  preparing a PowerPoint presentation few hours to the deadline can make one jittery, and things like these happen   6.  the beginning of a semester can come with it"s baggage of assignments and most times the workload overlaps. 7.  then the dreaded deadlines and submission times, keeping undergrads walking on eggshells. 8. when your lecturer puts nothing up on the projector and thinks you"re seeing the slides. 9. problem is you'll still get called. 10. like the fear of failure. 11