Imagine a world without music. ( General bants 1)


Hey, my new post came into my head earlier than I expected. So here I am  trying my best to blog in the most grammar friendly way possible. 

The topic yeah? Okay let us get to it, music for me and I expect, many others has always been my  personal  fortress of solitude ( forgive my bad superman pun will ya) I love every genre and I always love the immersive power of certain voices. Needless to say I tried singing once or twice, who am I kidding? I sang a whole  lot of bread dough, I even formed a rap band in high school. We were called one drop, I sang love songs, afrobeats,I even tried soul. 

The point is I came out of that phase respecting musicians and the work they put into making their music. That's why no matter how bad the music may seem I listen because I have been there and tried to do that. Now imagine a world without those loud,sultry,lusty sounds accompanied by the quick and funky beats and strings. 

At that time I will just wish to be dead, because there is no world without music, this fact doesn't even come to many until they think about it. 

Even in an apocalypse there will still be music I tell you for sure, the music industry is one filled with the most brilliant and creative people ever to walk the face of the earth, imagine putting together a 20-song album. Featuring absolutely nobody! Two young Nigerian artists have done it. 

Then the jazz bands and live music, that feeling of a low bass  saxophone rumbling like muted thunder and the drums slowly tapping with  the piano churning out a simple rythm to it.even the clinking of glasses and slurred chatter at such events add to the whole musical feeling.

Music is God's second gift to men after life.

Once again I ask, imagine a world without music?

 Meanwhile in my next post I will be  writing on  my top 10 musicians (global) 

Till then,

                                             Stay dorky.

Copyright © olaleye olajuwon 


  1. It will be total shit
    Like so dull
    Just grey
    I can’t imagine 😂


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