Buildup to my first college election experience.

Welcome to February, known as the month of romance and love 🫢. The most unexpected event occurred at the beginning of this month: elections for student representatives at my university.

This is a significant departure from the way the school usually conducts nominations, and it's an attempt to give students a sense of what elections and politics are like at a university.

How do I feel about it? I think nominations are far better since they save us the anxiety of the majority picking the wrong choice. 
I recognize the value of democracy overall, but there have been instances where it hasn't been fully effective. The contestants were quite interesting and presented a variety of manifestos and ideas. I learned about projects and teamwork, among other things.

 Personally, I'm at a loss. Voting is important to me, and I want to be able to select a deserving and debatably qualified candidate for the position. 
However, it appears like I will have to experiment and see how it turns out. 

Elections are on the fourth of February, the decisions will still be tumbling about in my head till that day of reckoning.

I'll be writing about memes in my upcoming posts, followed by one on my top 10 songs and new music.

Until then 
Au revoir


  1. Great work man 💪🏿

  2. William A. Johnson2 February 2023 at 22:09

    Unfortunately, that's how voting works. You never get rid of the anxiety or the feeling of regret if you eventually realise you didn't choose a good enough candidate for the office, that should, but it doesn't have to stop you from voting. We all have a voice and as long and you believe in your candidate and know where you stand, ponder on the manifestos and most especially listening to your gut, they'll be nothing to regret

    1. Quite understandable, thank you very much.

  3. Thank you very much


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